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Verbal Snapshots

Posted by Lenore Ramm

Not long after I signed up for Experimonth, I began to wonder just how much time I would have to write letters.  I realized that tonight would be one of my last opportunities to blog about the experience, so I guess the answer is “not a lot”.  In fact, I have been participating dutifully, but only because I came up with an idea that was wildly distorted from the original proposal.

I’ve been writing just a few words to myself each night, in a beautiful handmade notebook.  I’ve always been concerned about the passage of time, particularly how quickly it goes by as we get older.  Did days we can’t remember really happen?  Were they worth experiencing if we can’t remember them?  Of course, they did and they are, but it’s important to make the effort to create triggers to help us reflect.  Inspired by the Happiness Project, I started keeping a 3 sentence journal, close to 2 years ago.  It limits me to writing just enough to hopefully allow me to remember what was significant or even profoundly insiginificant about the day.

For April’s Get the Lead Out Experimonth, I decided to combine the notion of writing  just a bit about the day with taking a photo of the day.  While a picture can be worth a thousand words, the simplest phrase can evoke a picture in your mind.  Each day, I’ve written a phrase or a sentence that has stuck in my mind to represent the day or at least something that I hope will lead me to remember something that happened.  My rules were that it had to be something I  heard someone say or I read, without attribution, but not something  that I personally wrote or thought.

I expect I will continue this practice long after this April is over, but I may not write every day.  This is actually a long-term experiment in that I don’t know if ten years down the road this will enable me to remember my experiences better, but I hope it will.

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Thinking of You – Destination: NC, TN


Posted by Tia (belikiga)

I sent out two cards ths weekend to two people who needed a lift. They are both suffereing from two different illnesses (cancer and stroke). I hope that the cards will bring them a little cheer.

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Froggie Note – Location: my office

1238612813722Posted by Tia (belikiga)

I found this on my desk today and it made me smile. It was a two part note accompanied by a little plastic froggie. On the front it said “thank you for making my day” (picture above) and when I turned the note over it said “pass this froggie on to someone else” (bottom picture). I think this is what Get The Lead Out is all about! Whoever left this on my desk made my day. I have no idea what I did or who recognized my “good deed” but it helped to add a spring to my step all day.


I did as the froggie instructed and passed it on to someone else in the office. I wonder where it will hop to next and how many people have participated in this little note sharing.

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Easter Cards — Destination: PA, NY, TN


Posted by: Tia (belikiga)

Here are my Easter cards all written and ready to go. The hardest part about writing for me is getting the card written and placed in the mailbox. I have had these cards made for several days but had to force myself to sit and write them. I still have some hademade Christmas cards lying around that I have never sent. I guess I don’t feel like my words are very creative when I write my message inside the card.

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Posted by Maartje

I wrote a little love letter to my boyfriend yesterday and he loved it.
We have been living together for almost five monthes now, and are getting used to sharing our space and things.
It is nice to have someone to come home to and talk about the day with.


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Three Thank You’s – Destination NY/TN


Posted by Tia (Belikiga)

Finally! I have had to get these 3 thank you notes in the mail for over a month now! They were actually thank you’s for Valentine’s gifts that came for my daughter so technically these were written on her behalf. I am just glad I finally got my act together to mail them. Thanks Experimonth!

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Family Support – Destination: TN


Posted by Tia (Belikiga)

I just walked out to the mailbox with this card. It is on its way to my mother in law who I thought could use an uplifting note this week. My father in law had a severe stroke a few months ago and he was sent home on Tuesday but still requires constant care.  This has turned her life upsidedown to say the least and sending notes of support is something that I have wanted to do but just have not made the time.

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Heartfelt Gratefulness

My first handwritten note was to my Mom.  Even though she only lives four streets over from me.  I love her so much.  She recently retired and has not and an opportunity to really enjoy it yet.  

I actually think most of my notes will be to family and close friends whom I sometimes tend to take for granted.  Of course they know I love and appreciate them but sometimes saying it is also important.

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Note 1: April Fool’s

by Erin H.

So I know I said that I would be writing love letters to the hubby, but being that it was April Fool’s Day my first written note was not so sincere.  He always plays “tricks” on me (and by “tricks” I mean usually he rigs something up so that it will fall down…) so I wanted to get him this year.


I was expecting an eyeroll, some swearing, and a few complaints about how this was a dumb hour to choose in the day…or maybe he wouldn’t believe me at all.  The reaction was better than I could have expected.  He basically played along, totally believing me and totally supporting the “experiment”.  I had to keep it up for 15 minutes before the clock struck 6:00 and then I wrote him another note confessing the truth.  He loved it!

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Dear April 1st

Posted by Erin B.




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